Seamless user rights

- 2003-2005

Integration of user rights, also called seamless user rights has to do with focusing on the user.

The aim is to create the easiest and most transparent access to the public and research libraries’ collective media and services. 

The County of Århus has conducted an analysis of barriers and possibilities for of Århus has conducted an analysis of barriers and possibilities for integration of user rights to public and research libraries. It is a strategic choice whether the libraries want to develop user rights across public and research libraries, or whether they choose exclusively to prioritise cooperation internally in the two sectors where major structural reforms are under way. The Structural Reform changes relations between owners and institutions. In the research library sector, some institutions will upgrade the internal tasks in the universities rather than increase their cooperation with the public libraries.

Integration of user rights to public and research libraries in the County of Århus may assume many diverse forms. The more complex the model one decides on, the greater the barriers to overcome, both politically, organisationally, economically and legally. In the end the final decision rests with the political decision-makers.

Project Partners:

Network of libraries in The County of Aarhus: Silkeborg Public Library, Randers Public Library, The State and University Library, The Technical Library of Aarhus and The Library of Aarhus Business School.

Project Mangement:

Aarhus Public Libraries.

The project was funded by the Danish Agency for Libraries