Fees and fines

Get an overview of what you have to pay if you return late or need to replace a material.

Overdue loan periodFor people aged 14 and above
1-7 days20 kr.
8-14 days70 kr.
15-30 days120 kr.
After 30 days230 kr.

The rates apply to both normal loans with a loan term of 30 days and loans with special loan terms such as 7- and 14-day loans.

Reminders by text, email or app

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If you have included your email and/or mobile number in your user profile, you will receive a reminder three days before the submission deadline. The reminder is free of charge.

You can also get notifications and push messages in the ‘Biblioteket’ app.

You always have to pay a fee if you return or renew late, even if you haven't received a reminder or recall.

The library will only remind you once

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Please note that the library only sends out one recall notice if the loan period is exceeded. 

We send the recall approximately 18 days after the loan period has expired. 

You always have to pay a fee if you are late, even if you have not received a reminder or recall notice.

Once you have received a fee or a replacement, you will receive an invoice in your e-Boks.

Keep track of loan and return dates

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On your loan receipt and in your user status you will find the date when you must return your borrowed materials. This is the last day you can return the material free of charge.

You are responsible for regularly checking whether you have registered loans of materials under ‘Lån’ and ‘Overskredne lån’ via your user profile on the library's website. 

You can also check your borrower status at the lending machines in the library.

Fees accrue from the day after the date shown on your receipt and in your user status. Your loans may trigger multiple fees if:

  • The materials have different return dates
  • The items are not borrowed at the same time, even if they have the same return date, e.g. after a renewal of the loan period
  • The items are not returned together, even though they were borrowed on the same date

You can renew books and other materials even if you have missed the due date. However, this requires that the materials have not been reserved by others and that they are materials that can be reserved.

Renewal of materials can only be done 7 days before the due date. There is a maximum number of times the loan period can be extended.


If a book or other material you have borrowed is damaged, you must replace it at the library's purchase price.

If you have not returned the borrowed material five weeks after the end of the loan period, we consider it lost and a claim for replacement will automatically be created. In addition to the replacement amount, a fee for exceeding the loan period is payable.

Rates for replacements

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Lost or damaged material must be replaced at the library's purchase price including VAT. In addition to the replacement amount, you will have to pay for costs such as binding and licence rights.

For DVDs and multimedia such as CD-ROMs and console games, your cost will typically be several times the retail price of the item. This is because the library's price includes payment to the rights holders to get authorisation for lending. However, the maximum replacement price for DVDs is set at 350 kr. This does not apply to games.

If the actual purchase price cannot be obtained, the library uses a number of standard rates:

  • Books 200 kr.
  • Interlibrary loan materials 500 kr.
  • Comic books 70 kr.
  • Journals 50 kr.
  • Bound volumes of journals 500 kr.
  • Console games and CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs 675 kr.
  • CD and cassette tapes 100 kr.
  • CD and cassette tapes containing more than one CD/cassette tape 260 kr.
  • DVD 350 kr.
  • Music DVD 200 kr.
  • Book plus tape 300 kr.
  • Language and play 400 kr.
  • Composite materials 250 kr.
  • Language courses 550 kr.
  • Language courses with DVD 1000 kr.
  • Audio books on cassette tape/CD 175 kr.

NB: A multi-volume work can be demanded to be replaced in full even if only part of the work has been lost or damaged.

The above rates may be adjusted in line with Aarhus Kommunes general price increase. In addition, a fee is payable for any overrun of the loan period and an administration fee for sending an invoice.

Collection of replacements and fees

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The collection department in Aarhus Kommune is responsible for all collections of replacements and fees, and can impose reminder fees if payment deadlines are exceeded, as well as forward debts to Gældsstyrelsen.

  • Replaced material remains the property of the library. If lost material is recovered within a year, you must return it.
  • If the material is found again, you can get a refund within one year if the material is in good condition.

Special services

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  • The library may charge for special services that have been explicitly requested.
  • The city council has determined the amount and form of payment for special services.